@echo off REM Upload.bat -- ZIP up files for Netaxs upload REM v0.1 05-Dec-2000 JPV Testing REM v1.0 14-Dec-2000 JPV This one works REM BUGs: rem FIND seems to lowercase output, get 2-27-01 13:28 65,536 find.exe (still v4.1 :-( rem It will miss stuff copied into ./public/tools/{stuff} if the dates are older!!! Have to add manaually. REM To Do: rem Add auto FTP? REM Needs the following FREE (GNU GPL 2.x) programs: rem zip.exe (ftp://ftp.freesoftware.com/pub/infozip/WIN32/zip23xN.zip) rem find.exe (http://www.weihenstephan.de/~syring/win32/UnxUtils.html) REM Have to do this stupid goto stuff or you get "broken pipe" type errors REM Actually, ZIP complains about "nothing to do", but it's really a broken pipe REM because DOS can't parse REMs right. if not "%1" == "full" goto :DIFF find www -name _* -prune -o -print | zip -9 fullupload.zip -@ goto :CONT :DIFF find www -name _* -prune -o -newer lastupld -print | zip -9 diffupload.zip -@ :CONT REM Update the "last upload" time holder file echo Last Upload Date/Time holder. > lastupld echo. echo. echo REMINDER: Any file recently copied into these directories that has not been echo modifed will not be uploaded (e.g. ./public/tools/{stuff} echo. echo Also, delete the *upload.zip file after testing the site, but don't mess with echo the last upload file... echo.