# jpcshrc -- Set csh prompt to something useful, and add some aliases. # Written for Nokia IPSO OS (csh--the C shell) # v1.0 07-Oct-2001 JP Vossen # Tested with 3.4.1-FCS5, under older releases your milage may vary. ########################################################################## # You need to either add "source ~/jpcshrc" to the bottom of your .cshrc file # or run it manually when you want it. Edit .cshrc using vi, or use the # following commands (exactly as shown--except for the leading tab, the ">>" # is critical!): # echo "" >> ~/.cshrc # echo source ~/jpcshrc >> ~/.cshrc # # To get jpcshrc to the IPSO box, you can "vi jpcshrc" then hit "i" to go into # insert mode. Using your terminal program, cut and paste this script into vi. # When it's pasted, hit the Escape key, then hit "wq" to write and quit. # "chmod 755 jpcshrc" to set the permissions. # # While you're at it, create a ~/.logout file that has the word "clear" # (without the quotes) in it (like "echo clear >> ~/.logout"). This will clear # the screen as you logout, something that it is incomprehensible that a # security device does not do automatically. Use the same chmod command to set # permissions for that too. Use the "ll" command, and compare permissions # against .login and .profile. All four files (.login, .logout, .profile and # jpcshrc) should be the same (-rwxr-xr-x). # # Other quick csh tips. The Escape key does file or directory completion. The # "history command (aliased to "h") shows you the commands you've typed. "!!" # repeats the last command, "!nnn" where nnn is the number of the command # from the history repeats that command. Sorry, editing a command before # repeating it is out of the scope of this documen--err-script. ########################################################################## # Create setprompt command, run it the first time, # then "add" it to cd command. This code from: # http://www.faqs.org/faqs/unix-faq/faq/part2/section-4.html alias setprompt 'set prompt="${cwd}# "' setprompt alias cd 'chdir \!* && setprompt' # Add some more useful aliases (many DOS commands, since I # can never remember what OS I happen to be using) alias clr 'cd ~/ && clear' alias cls 'clear' alias copy 'cp' alias del 'rm' alias dir 'ls' alias edit 'vi' alias ipconfig 'ifconfig' alias jdiff 'diff -iby --suppress-common-lines' alias l. 'ls -ld .[a-zA-Z]* --color tty' alias la 'ls -Fla' alias ll 'ls -Fl' alias ls 'ls -F' alias mcd 'mkdir \!* && cd \!*' alias md 'mkdir' alias move 'mv' alias rd 'rmdir' alias ren 'mv' alias tracert 'traceroute'